GIJC Partners


GIJN_band_logo_largeThe Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)  

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is the world’s premier international association of investigative reporting organizations. The Network’s membership includes 90 nonprofits and NGOs in 40 countries, all dedicated to investigative journalism, and it has sponsored seven groundbreaking Global Investigative Journalism Conferences since 2001. These conferences are widely credited with playing the single biggest role in the rapid global expansion of investigative reporting over the past decade.

ipysThe Institute for Press and Society (IPYS)

The Institute for Press and Society (El Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, or IPYS) is one of Latin America’s leading media NGOs. Based in Lima, IPYS does trainings, monitors and lobbies for press freedom, and sponsors awards and conferences. Each year IPYS sponsors, with Transparency International, COLPIN, Latin America’s investigative journalism conference, which draws some 200 journalists from a dozen countries, where it gives out a coveted investigative reporting award.

The Brazilian Association of Investigation Journalism (ABRAJI)  

abrajilogoThe Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Associação Brasileira de Jornalismo Investigativo, or ABRAJI) is one of the world’s leading associations of investigative reporters. Now 10 years old with more than 2000 members, ABRAJI has trained thousands of reporters and works to expand freedom of information and protect journalists in Brazil. Each year ABRAJI sponsors Brazil’s investigative journalism congress, which attracts hundreds of journalists and journalism students.

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