Almost 500 African journalists met with their global counterparts in Johannesburg at #GIJC17, the largest international gathering of investigative journalists, to sharpen their skills for a new era of digging out the muck.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
Investigative Stories from Iraq, Nigeria Win Global Shining Light Award
Winners of the seventh Global Shining Light Awards were announced at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference tonight in Johannesburg, South Africa. Top prizes went to gutsy investigations of missing funds in Iraq and extra-judicial killings in Nigeria, with citations of excellence to exposes of arms trafficking in Eastern Europe and complicity behind anti-Muslim riots in India.
У коррупционеров всего мира появилась неделя передышки – пока журналисты советуются, как лучше их разоблачать
10-ая Глобальная конференция журналистов-расследователей оказалась наимасштабнейшей – делиться знаниями и умениями съехались более 1200 профессионалов из 130 стран.
5 Moments Forts de la #GIJC17
Moments de la 10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, Johannesburg.
GuptaLeaks: les coulisses d’une enquête Sud-Africaine
Retour sur les GuptaLeaks et l’organisation des journalistes d’investigation sud-africains pour traiter ces données à l’occasion de la Conférence internationale des journalistes d’investigations qui se déroule à Johannesburg.
Democracy Detectives
Measuring Impact: Best Practices in Gauging the Impact of Investigative Journalism
The GIJN report “Investigative Impact: The Role of Investigative Journalism in Fostering Change – and How to Measure It,” is being released today at #GIJC17 in Johannesburg. Here is an excerpt from the report.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: David Cay Johnston
American investigative journalist David Cay Johnston on the benefits of the GIJN global conference. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: Marina Walker Guevara
ICIJ’s Marina Walker Guevara on making investigative journalism relevant to the audience. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
Datenjournalismus in kleinen Redaktionen — so geht’s
Tiefer recherchieren als andere, der Wahrheit näher kommen: Das ist die Stärke des Datenjournalismus. Doch dafür braucht es Zeit und Knowhow. Beides fehlt besonders kleinen Redaktionen. Bei der GIJC17 geben Experten Tipps, wie sich Datenjournalismus trotzdem etablieren kann.
General Interest
Was wir vom investigativen Journalismus Afrikas lernen können
Abwanderung verhindern, Netzwerke pflegen, Ethik hochhalten: Was wir von investigativ arbeitenden Journalisten aus Afrika lernen können, wurde bei der GIJC17 deutlich. Es ist vor allem eines: Solidarität.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: Sheila Coronel
Columbia University’s Sheila Coronel on new skills and storytelling formats. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.