Ten Tips For Developing a Data State of Mind

The New York Times’ Ron Nixon and Brant Houston, the Knight Chair in Investigative Reporting at the University of Illinois, talked about how to get into the data state of mind at #GIJC17. South African data journalist Laura Grant gathered their top ten tips.

Datenjournalismus in kleinen Redaktionen — so geht’s

Tiefer recherchieren als andere, der Wahrheit näher kommen: Das ist die Stärke des Datenjournalismus. Doch dafür braucht es Zeit und Knowhow. Beides fehlt besonders kleinen Redaktionen. Bei der GIJC17 geben Experten Tipps, wie sich Datenjournalismus trotzdem etablieren kann.

Seven Trends in Data Visualization

Data visualization is constantly changing as new technologies emerge and new techniques are discovered. Data visualization rock stars Lena Groeger and Jane Pong look at some of the current trends.

GIJC17 Voices: Syed Nazakat

Syed Nazakat, editor-in-chief of DataLEADS and the Centre for Investigative Journalism in India, on collaborative journalism. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.