Самые эффективные инструменты и методы для поиска, слежки за людьми и составления досье на людей и компании от специалиста по онлайн-раcследованиям BBC Пола Майерса.
У коррупционеров всего мира появилась неделя передышки – пока журналисты советуются, как лучше их разоблачать
10-ая Глобальная конференция журналистов-расследователей оказалась наимасштабнейшей – делиться знаниями и умениями съехались более 1200 профессионалов из 130 стран.
GuptaLeaks: les coulisses d’une enquête Sud-Africaine
Retour sur les GuptaLeaks et l’organisation des journalistes d’investigation sud-africains pour traiter ces données à l’occasion de la Conférence internationale des journalistes d’investigations qui se déroule à Johannesburg.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: David Cay Johnston
American investigative journalist David Cay Johnston on the benefits of the GIJN global conference. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
General Interest
Solving Crimes: How to Think Like a Detective
In many cases, investigative journalists have more in common with police detectives than with beat reporters. Journalists at #GIJC17 share their tips on thinking and working like a detective.
The Essential #GIJC17 Cheat Sheet
And we’re off! This evening in Johannesburg at the University of the Witwatersrand, we’ll be kicking off four days of unadulterated investigative journalism. For those of you who couldn’t make it to Joburg, here’s how to follow us from home, as well as highlights of #GIJC17.
General Interest
Was wir vom investigativen Journalismus Afrikas lernen können
Abwanderung verhindern, Netzwerke pflegen, Ethik hochhalten: Was wir von investigativ arbeitenden Journalisten aus Afrika lernen können, wurde bei der GIJC17 deutlich. Es ist vor allem eines: Solidarität.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: Andrew Lehren
NBC News investigative reporter Andy Lehren on how data can make the story. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
GIJC17 Voices: Paul Myers
BBC’s Paul Myers on the latest in investigative methods. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: Oluwatoyosi Ogunseye
Nigeria’s Sunday Punch editor, Oluwatoyosi Ogunseye, on threats to investigative journalism. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.
10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference
GIJC17 Voices: Wahyu Dhyatmika
Wahyu Dhyatmika, managing editor at Tempo Newsroom in Indonesia, on cross-border collaborations. GIJC17 Voices is a series of short interviews with some of the top investigative journalists from around the world.